Welcome Note

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Indoor Activities

With the advancement of technology, it seemed for a while that people have forgotten to spend time with their families. Corona is something that is not good, but surrendering to its negativity is something that was not acceptable as well. Coping up with hard times is what helps us survive. Evolution takes place when we are ready to change ourselves and adapt to nature.

In the ancient days, when all the members of the family stayed together, they often played board games. It is well proven that board games sharpen one's mind. Playing board games helps in strategy building. Our ancestors realised this long ago. Hence, they made it a point that their coming generations have a strong grip on strategy building.

In the mid of March, when the roads turned to deserts, people sort to board games. Be it offline or online board games saw an upsurge of interest. People rekindled their interest in writing and reading. Overall people started focusing more on their personal growth. 

Report - https://www.today.com/popculture/board-games-enjoy-surge-popularity-during-pandemic-t202377

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